Tuesday, November 20, 2007

lung funk.

it's tuesday and i haven't been to work for the las two days, four including the weekend. i am sick.
yesterday, early in the morning, i literally felt like i couldn't breathe (as much as i needed to.) i was gasping and panicking. i called my friend and she took me to the hospital.
the whole experience went incredibly smoothly. i was seen by a doctor and temporarily "fixed" almost immediately. it turns out i have the classic "lungus funkiest." the doc gave me a billion prescriptions, assured me that i would be fine, and sent me on my way.
which brings me to this. i forgot to add that she also wrote me a note for work saying that i shouldn't go back for four days. especially not the next 'couple. so, ive called work, i'm taking my medicine, i'm resting, and it is a really weird experience. i've gotta say, it's pretty nice. of course, that makes me feel guilty. i absolutely know that i shouldn't, but that's guilt for you.
with that in mind, it is 1:30 p.m. of "day two", which means my hiatus will soon draw to a close.
i close my entry at this point in hopes of guiltlessly enjoying my "get-better" time by getting better.

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