Saturday, December 1, 2007

not sam's grandpa, but the same era.

o.k., so this isn't about sam's grandpa. but i had occasion to reflect. this is about neighbor teresa, boredom and curiosity.
one day in the summer, i was playing with teresa. i think we were walking around and around the big birch tree in front of my house. there was an elevated bed made of stones, and walking on them gave your body enough occupation to comfortably think and talk. we did it alot.
so this one day, i came up with this. i told teresa that we should go to the garage and pull our pants down. she, thank god, agreed that it was a good idea.
innocently, that is exactly what we did. it was exciting, mostly because we knew we weren't supposed to do that. we went back, i think, and walked around the tree some more.
well, what do you think, that evening she went home and told her parents what we had done. i may never know why.
my dad approached me and said something like, "dickie-bird, teresa's dad was talking to me, and he said there's been some "pullin' down the pants". i was fuckin' mortified. busted.
"don't do that, o.k.?"
"mom's making dinner, it's just about ready."
"o.k., dad."
i never said thanks.

1 comment:

shawna lamb said...

a few weeks ago, some girls pulled down the pants of a little boy i knew. He did not want to participate, so it was not a mutual thing like your experience. Anyway, he peed on her. I thought that was awesome.
