Thursday, December 13, 2007

poster contest

no, im' not having one, but that doesn't mean i won't.
there was this poster contest when i was in about fourth grade. it wasn't a school thing, but i think i got the entry blank at school. make a poster about ecology, you know, save the earth.
i really wanted to do it, i guess.
we were trying to come up with slogans, you know i had this big piece of poster board, and my mom says "hey, how about SEWER SKIING CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH? you could have a guy water skiing through a bunch of garbage."
everyone including myself thought that was a great idea. i drew a purposely simple, confined and mechanical profile of this almost stick figure guy skiing through a bunch of trash. i made the boat with three straight lines and ruler. it was a poster contest, and it was real. i knowingly dumbed down my artistic ability 'cause i didn't want anyone to see me so vulnerable. i could have actually drawn a good picture, but this was a poster contest, and it was real.
i lettered the slogan carefully.
well, what do you think?
my mom won! we went somewhere one night thereafter, i got a special shirt, and everyone got dressed up. i got a plaque and the local newspaper even took my picture. apparently, my mom's great ideas rock, is what i was thinking. it wasn't my claim.

now, when i re-examine the situation, i realize that we all won the poster contest. me and my mom and dad and eric. and i didn't even really draw.

a moment of honor for the greilings.

don't abandon me now, reader, it could be your loss! i will gather my thoughts and soon give you something better.

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